Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Beowulf - Four Funeral Notes

1st - Shield Sheafson (beginning)
-Buried at sea in a boat with treasure.
- He creates the Danish dynasty by conquering other people.

2nd - Hildeburgh's brother and son (roughly 1/4 into the poem)
- Brother and son burned on a pyre
- This shows the lose of life in warfare and how it affects the survivors (particularly the women).

3rd - The Last Survivor (roughly 1/4 from the end)
- The treasure of a people is buried under ground by the only survivor a group of people (a nation) who has been killed in battle.

4th - Beowulf's funeral (end)
- Burned on a pyre and buried in a rock mound (called Beowulf's barrow)
-He is burned with the dragon's treasure.
-His death is the end (or the beginning of the end) of the Geat nation.

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