Friday, September 2, 2016

Beowulf Dialect Journal: #5-6

5.  "'Most gracious Hrothgar, do not refuse them, but grant them a reply. From their arms and appointment, they appear well born and worthy of respect, especially the one who has led them this far: he is formidable indeed.'" pg. 27

He tells Hrothgar that he finds Beowulf a worthy warrior and that is very intimidating; should be granted a audience with Hrothgar for it might of been sent from the Heavens to kill Grendel.

6. "Wulfgar duty delivered the message: 'My lord, the conquering king of Danes, bids me announce that he knows your ancestry; also that he welcomes you here to Heorot and salutes your arrival from across the sea.'" pg. 27

This becomes important because Beowulf is now known throughout Heorot due to his relations with Hrothgar.

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