Thursday, September 1, 2016

Beowulf Dialect Journal: #3-4

3. "The Almighty Judge of good deeds and bad, the Lord God, Head of the Heavens and High King of the World, was unknown to them. On, cursed is he who in time of trouble has thrust his soul in the fire's embrace, forfeiting help; he has nowhere to turn. But blessed is he who after death can approach the Lord and find friendship in the Father's embrace." pg. 15

Danes can't defat Grendel because they are not seeking help from God. God will also forgive them after their death. People who worship God in life shall go to Heaven. People who do not worship God in life shall still be welcomed in the kingdom of God because they would of formed a alliance or a good deed with God.

4. "Stoutness of heart, bravery not banishment, must have brought you to Hrothgar" pg. 25

The warriors are saying that bravery and a strong heart has brought everyone together at Denmark to defeat Grendel once and for all. No warrior has ever gone to the den of Grendel so they are all basically giving each other a pat on the back for coming so far.

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