Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sir Gawain And The Green Knight: Vocabulary Words

Courtliness - polite, refined, or elegant; adj.

Sedately - calm, quiet, or composed; adj.

Personable - of pleasing personal appearance; handsome or comely; attractive; adj.

Accrue - to happen or result as a natural growth, addition; verb

Malady - any disorder or disease of the body, especially one that is chronic or deepseated; noun

Entreaty - earnest request or petition; supplication; noun

Manifest - readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain; adj.

Moras - the unit of time equivalent to the ordinary or normal short sound or syllable; noun

Slake - to cool or refresh; verb

Prehensile - adapted for seizing, grasping, or taking hold of something; adj.

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