Friday, August 26, 2016

Branwen Daughter of Llyr Questions

1) Connections: Characters – compare the characters of the two stories, which characters are alike. You can compare kings, warriors, women. Answers should be 2-3 sentences for each character.

Cet and Efnishen are both very cunning warriors with superior intelligence, mental toughness, couragenous, and selfless. They also care a lot about their country and their people, they do what they believe is the right thing to do and don't let anyone stop them from achieving their goal. Efnishen scarficed himself in order to stop the Irish from coming back to the dead whereas Cet sorta killed Conchobar in order to stop his crazy reign over the country and to avenge Mesgegra's death.

2) Compare the conflicts in the two stories in 2-3 sentences.

In Conchobar they had a king who was aself-bsorbed and in Branwen they struggled to keep the peace. So in both stories they struggled to keep the peace between two kingdoms and in themselves and each other because in Conchobar, Conchobar left his warriors in war so he can show off to the ladies and in Branwen was suppose to be the peace between them and because that didn't work out Efnishen killed all the Irish as they broke out into a war.

3) Compare the following themes in the two stories: The Role of Kings (think about who is a better king and why); The Role of Women (and yes there are women in “The Death of Conchobar”); The concept of magic (think about who uses magic in each story and what the purpose of magic is for); hospitality (yes its there in Conchobhar just not as clear); paganism vs. Christianity (perhaps more important in Conchobhar—think about the ending); man alone in a hostile world. Each comparison needs to be 2-3 sentences long.

The Role of Kings: In Conchobar wasn't a very good king because he was too self-aborsbed and that lead to his downfall. In Branwen Matholwch was a good king at first because he put up with insults and married his sister for peace between them, but that didn't work out so well because she didn't keep the peace. Later, when everything got really stressful, it lead to his downfall and started punishing his wife by sending her into the kitchen and that upset Efinseh and he set out to start a war.

The Role of Women: In Conchobar the women in the story were obsess with the way Conchobar looked and took him away from battle to chat with him and idolize him. Whereas, the women in Branwen were used in marriage to bring peace between two kingdoms.

Concept of magic: In Conchobar brainballs were sorta these magic trophies that these warriors collected from their prey that had the ability to kill whoever was hit by it. In Branwen we have this magic cauldorn that can bring people back from the dead.

Hospitality: In Conchobar, women were a great comfort to warriors and a break from war. They gave whatever the men wanted and most of all gave them attention. In Branwen, peace before war was a common thing, the King of Britian built a house for the King of Ireland to show this honor and apolizges and gave him everything he could to make up for marrying Branwen.

Pangaism vs. Christianity: In Conchobar, the story starts out with a pangan theme, but ends with a christian theme. It shows the transformation of Conchobar being this awful person into this saint like figure. However, in Branwen, the story stays pagan and everyone has god-like abilites.

Man alone in a hostile World: Cet was sorta this man that faced the world alone, especially in terms of killing Conchobar, yet at the same time Conchobar is also this man in terms of getting upset at the Jews for killing Christ. In Branwen, Efinshin faces the King of Britians army basically by himself and takes the sacrifice of stopping the Irish army from being reborn in the cauldron.

4) Compare the endings of the two stories: how are they alike.

Conchobar's and Branwen's endings are alike because they both end with some sort of death or tragedy. In Conchobar, the story ends with the death of Conchobar and Christ whereas in Branwen, the story ends with the death of everyone, but five women who are left to repopulate the world.

5) List your favorite moment from each story.

Conchobar: My favorite moment is when Fingen tells Conchobar that all he can do to keep himself alive is to sit upon his throne for as long as he lives or else he will die.

Branwen: My favorite moment is when they hide in sack flours, and Efinshen goes around smashing heads like it's nothing.

6) Find a photo for each of the characters in Branwen - post these to your blog.

7) Find a song that fits a theme of Branwen.

Shrug - Christina Grimmie

8) In your own words retell the story.

Branwen is married of to the King of Britian without her brother's consent. The King gives her brother all sorts of gift including a caldron that brings back the dead. When Branwen gives birth, her brother feels that the King didn't give them enough gifts. So the King punishes Branwen by sending her to work in the kitchen and she gets tired of this and sends a messager starling to her brother saying "Help!". This starts a war, where the caldron gets smashed and everyone dies, but a group of five women.

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